If you happen to follow my Instagram or Youtube feeds (@stewbacca117 for both) You’l no doubt have seen this in my hands for the vast majority of the games since I bought it second hand (although barely used, and with a spare magazine) off my teammate Luc back in mid January at the KUI ChangHua...
Visiting ICS Airsoft
After meeting the lovely ladies Yvette & Olivia of ICS Airsoft’s Sales & Marketing teams in person at the 23rd Hooha show in Taichung and being given a thorough introduction to their product lines by them it was suggested that perhaps I should pay their facility a visit and do a more in depth article about their company, its history and operations. Of course I relished the opportunity, being a veteran of manufacturing industries and a colossal gun and general machine and manufacturing nerd I always love to see where and how products are designed and realised. So a few weeks later as I...

From the blog
Following on from my experiences with the TMC COVRT M4 I had gotten back in early February 2018, and having contemplated how best to store and carry my KWA H&K MP7 GBB and its related magazines, I paid another visit to TMC Taipei’s store and considered the smaller shoulder bags they had on offer....
So, I had intended on forking out for the 5.11 Tactical COVRT M4 gun carrier backpack for a while and even went to meet the manager at 5.11 Taipei to enquire about getting hold of one, having seen their literature and online adverts which obviously tweaked my geardo senses. Having all of a sudden...
So a few weeks back in mid March I was informed by Piotr at TacticalTwoHQ that a care package was inbound from Nitecore, a name I had only just started hearing about but apparently a rapidly rising star in the global torch market. Grand, I thought, cool freebies to play with and review. What I...
I had never been a massive fan of the G36 replicas in the past. But for some reason, I’ve always had a few in my collection. My very first airsoft replica was a second-hand Tokyo Marui G36. It was fine, worked like a charm and to this day runs fully stock. Then I got a BO Manufacture Hubert.14....
So yet another few months have zipped by for me here in Taiwan and along with juggling final exams, parents days, national holidays - and flitting around my new island paradise home in typical me fashion - I’ve reached the point where soon enough I’ll be signing on for another year contract with...
There are a lot of small gear manufacturers around the world that you might have not ever heard of. It’s a pity, because their products are of great quality. This is why we’d like to start a series of interviews with people who create products that are worth giving a go. All thanks to their...
Safariland 6354DO is the gold standard of Glock holsters that accommodates both a red dot and a flashlight. We’ve long been waiting for a replica in the airsoft world and here it is! The package comes with a full configuration for the holster on a drop-leg platform. What we’ve got included is the...
Night video from our tests of the Bering Optics Urban...
The last few weekends have been manic busy for me—lots of airsoft shopping as two of my teaching colleagues have decided to join the ranks of airsoft addicts, and one of them has even gotten his girlfriend interested and bought her all the gear for xmas. Me and one of them also went to Action...